Whenever you try to cut, the aim is to burn fat and maintain as much muscle. However, lots of people make a lot of mistakes during cutting cycles, making them either cut both muscle and fat or not lose any fat. Dieting is the most important thing when it comes to a cutting cycle.
There are numerous other things that you should take into consideration. A proper workout plan with proper strength training, avoiding stress as well as getting enough sleep and rest are just some examples that first pop into my mind. They are all important during a cutting cycle.
Moreover, if you want to maximize your cutting cycle effectiveness, you may also look into our weight loss compounds and/or anabolic steroids. The right steroids can greatly help you burn more fat and, perhaps most importantly – preserve and even gain lean muscle tissues. Yes, that’s right, with the right plan and the right steroids, you can gain strength and muscle during a cutting cycle.
Yet, if you’re doing it incorrectly, you can lose muscle mass too. So, you can buy the best quality anabolic steroids, we can help you learn how to use them right, and will also help you with the best cutting diet (with a meal plan) to achieve your goals!
After all, the aim is to get ripped quickly, cutting calories from unnecessary carbs while adding lots of proteins to your diet. Proteins are extremely important to preserve muscle and burn fat! But if you lose too many calories, your body goes into a survival mode, likely hindering your metabolism.
Anabolic steroids help with all of it. Boosts metabolism, boosts fat burning, and preserves the hard earned gains! You also do it with the right cutting meal plan.
Cutting Diet Meal Plan
In order to maximize your cutting efforts, you need to eat right in the first place. That’s why you should stock up on some special foods that can help you achieve your goals. Needless to mention you should forget about high-fat foods, sugary foods, processed foods, and fast foods. Instead, you should focus on:
- Fruits such as bananas and berries
- Chicken breast
- Eggs
- Chickpeas
- Oats
- Brown rice
- Whole-grain cereals
- Nuts
- Green vegetables
- Greek yogurt
It’s pretty obvious there are lots of other foods that you can enjoy while you’re in your cutting cycle. These are just some of the most popular that popped into my head.
So, below I am going to put together a sample cutting diet for you. You can mix them up across your 8-12 weeks cutting phase. This will help you stay motivated by adding variety to your cutting diet.
One huge mistake that people make is having a type of diet that is feeling too boring or too restricted with the foods they allow themselves. This results in lower motivation and might even result in lower metabolism and other issues hindering your cutting efficacy.
Meal Plan Example That Helps You Get Ripped While Cutting
You should adjust everything in order to fit your macro goals (which are individual from one person to another). Also, remember that this cutting meal plan can be adjusted and mixed in order to hit the right macros for your cutting goal.
First Sample of Cutting Diet
50-80g of whole grain cereal with semi skimmed milk
A hand of berries
Chicken, brown rice, and broccoli (the basics, easy to prepare)
Post Workout Snack
A hand of nuts
One protein shake and then chicken or beef fajitas. You do need some calories to support your muscle building or preserving gains during a cut. Yet, you should go crazy with too many carbs. You shouldn’t go too low on carbs or calories either. But I recommend saving carbs for before and after your workout. It will help give you energy for workouts and replace the ones you spent during strength training.
If you want to maximize your gains and want to add anabolic steroids, remember that there are some (mostly oral steroids) that are usually used pre-workout.
Second Sample of Cutting Diet
Yogurt and fruit bowl with goji berries, chia seeds, and/or flax seeds with almond butter
One banana
A bowl with fresh greens, edamame beans, cherry tomatoes, and cooked quinoa with pine nuts
Post Workout Snack
Greek yogurt
Caesar salad with skinless chicken breasts, lettuce, avocado, chives and boiled eggs
Third Sample of Cutting Diet
Oatmeal with peanut butter (my personal favorite)
1 cup of edamame beans
Baked potato with tuna and cheese
Post Workout Snack
1 whole grain bagel with smoked salmon and cottage cheese
2 skinless chicken breasts with 85g of baby potatoes and three cups of mixed greens alongside sesame seeds for seasoning.
Fourth Sample of Cutting Diet
Oatmeal with a hand of berries
One banana
Grilled courgette, kale, pepper and hummus wrap
Post Workout Snack
Apple with almond butter or a hand of almonds
Beef stir fry with brown rice
Fifth Sample of Cutting Diet
Four egg whites. They could be scrambled or in an omelet – it’s up to you. Can add two slices of wholegrain bread and/or milk.
Hummus on oatcakes and 2 apples
Chili with Quorn mince
Post Workout Snack
Apple and almond butter or almonds
Chicken burger and a fried egg. But it is very important for the bread to be whole wheat.
Macros and Calories
Remember about your macros and calories. Macronutrients – protein, fat, and carbs are very important when you’re trying to lose fat. You need a perfect balance of the three. Needless to say the importance of your calories for your cutting plan. When it comes to fat loss, it’s all about the number of calories (and the sources are extremely important). Because fat loss occurs when you eat fewer calories than you burn.
Maximum Your Cutting Efficacy
Also, remember those are just examples of food plans. But I hope it gives you a good idea of what you can go for. There are numerous other examples such as scrambled eggs with baby spinach for breakfast, chicken wraps with tomatoes, cucumber, olives, and hummus for lunch, or tuna steak with two sweet potatoes, broccoli, and asparagus for dinner. Moreover, you can always combine the examples I shared above. Follow a good workout plan with a perfect balance of important nutrients and the right amount of calories and you’re sure to get there.
But in addition to that, you may also add anabolic steroids and other weight loss products you can find in our store at Supps-For-Life.to and you’re sure to maximize your gains. Our products are 100% safe and natural as long as you use them right as they are of the best quality. In addition to that, at Supps For Life you get the best products for both your bulking and cutting goals for the best quality and for the best prices, allowing you to save money for better quality foods too!
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