Push and pull workouts are an effective way to build muscle fast and efficiently. Having said that, it is important to understand that there’s no magic formula that will turn you into a pro bodybuilder overnight, or even over a year. It takes years of hard work, trial and error, with eating right in order to achieve your dream physique. You can take the advice, recommendations, and top tips from pro bodybuilders to achieve your goals, but you still need to put in that work!
By learning from people with experience, you can skip over some of the mistakes and achieve your results faster. While there’s a lot to learn in terms of dieting, lifestyle, and so on, today we’re going to talk about workouts. Most specifically – push and pull workouts. They can help aid your training routine, help you recover, and keep you going with the performance.
This is just a guide to split training, incorporating the push and pull workouts that you can take advantage of. However, as said, there are a lot of other things to know!
Training Plan
But, before you’re creating your training plan, there are a few things you must consider:
- Your training level. Beginners should not train as intensively as advanced lifters. They can’t do it, and they don’t really need it.
- Your goals. Are you trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or go for a longer-term physique change? It all matters.
- Your time availability. Can you work out every day? Or do you only have the time to hit the gym a few times a week? As a beginner, it’s best to go to the gym at least 3 times a week.
- Your rest and recovery. We’re all recovering at different rates depending on our lifestyle, activity level, diet, and other factors. Do not underestimate rest – it is the period where you grow!
- Your weaknesses. You may have a body part that you want to improve. Or you may have a health condition or injury. It’s all important to consider.
What are push and pull workouts?
Whenever you’re exercising in the gym, there are two fundamental moves: push and pull. This way, you can split your training by working on all of your push muscles and all of your pull muscles on different days.
There are people who love to do an upper body push day, and then the next day do an upper body pull day. On the third day – legs. Others are doing full body push day, then full body pull day. Anyway, check below some of the push and pull split training plans.
Examples of Push and Pull Training Plans
Check below the five most common training plans that were proven effective at growing muscle and getting you lean. We will start with the easiest, then the training plans are becoming more and more advanced. As a beginner, you should go for the first. Then you can go for the second as you gain experience, and continue further as you continue gaining more experience.
Whole Body Split
Beginners start by training every major muscle group in a signal workout. They usually start doing a single exercise per body part for a few sets. This is not common among professionals, but it is effective for beginners to start their lifting journey. With this push and pull plan, you intentionally keep the volume low because you’ll be able to recover quicker (lowering post workout soreness) and continue your workout sessions. This way, you’ll keep building muscles. Example: 3 days per week workouts with one day rest between workout days. You train all muscle groups with one exercise per muscle group in three sets, 10-12 reps per set.
Upper and Lower Body Split
The next step in the push and pull workouts is to cover the entire body over two training days instead of one. This helps you dedicate more time to each muscle group. This usually means that you split your upper body and lower body muscle groups into two training days. Chest, back, shoulders, and arms one workout day. Quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and abs the next workout day. You’ll hit your muscles from different angles, increasing the intensity of workouts. It involves 4 workout days with the upper body on two of them and the lower body on the other two workout days. You have 2 exercises for each muscle group with three sets of 6-8 and 10-12 reps.
As you gain more experience, you can go for this push and pull training split – one of the most popular plans among lots of people. This training plan provides more volume for each muscle group, allowing you to spread the entire body over three workout days. Doing each one twice per week leaves you with a single rest day. What you aim for is to do the whole body pushing muscles, then pulling muscles together, and then leg exercises. Do abs in whichever of these days (at the end of workout, to save fuel for the major muscle groups). You go for chest, shoulder triceps, 3 exercises each with three sets, 6-8; 8-10; and 10-12 reps. Then back and biceps 3 exercises each with three sets, 6-8; 8-10; and 10-12 reps. Lastly, legs – 4 exercises each with three sets, 6-8; 8-10; and 10-12 reps. Repeat twice per week.
Four Day Split
If you’re progressing to the four-day split then you’re already some big guy who takes it all very seriously. Considering you’re only training a few muscles per workout session, you are seriously increasing the volume and intensity of your training. You have three rest days which is more than the previous plan, but you train significantly more intensely. Aim to group your body parts for training by pairing muscle groups with a smaller one. Example: chest and triceps (pushing muscles) and back and biceps (pulling muscles). You start with the larger muscles (such as the chest), your smaller ones will still work when you do a lot of larger muscle exercises (then triceps). Plan: go for back, 4 exercises, biceps, 3 exercises. Second day chest, 4 exercises, and triceps, 3 exercises. Rest. Day four starts with legs, and 5 exercises. The fifth workout day – shoulders, 4 exercises. 3-4 sets, 6-15 reps each.
Five Day Split
This is the most advanced split that offers each body part its own training day. This helps you increase the volume and intensity to the maximum, without worrying about rest (the muscle group has one week to recover) or working out any other body part. You can go for an extremely intense workout and still go to the gym 5 days a week. It is recommended for advanced lifters due to the huge intensity of workouts per muscle group. Example: chest day, back day, shoulders (and upper traps) day, legs day, and then biceps and triceps day with 2 days rest. You always have 3-4 sets with 6-15 reps. You have anywhere between 4-5 exercises per muscle group. Can go for 6 exercises for legs day and/or 3 exercises each for biceps and triceps.
Push and Pull Workouts To Get Huge Now!
You may have noticed that we have not included the smaller muscle groups such as abs and calves in our push and pull workout splits. These are smaller muscle groups that recover very quickly. That’s why you can do them whenever you please. Usually, a lot of bodybuilders do a quick 10 minutes abs training at the end of each workout session with 1-2 calves exercises at the end of whichever day they train legs. Moreover, you may also add some cardio to each of these routines. Cardio can help your bulking cycle too (unless you overdo it).
In the end, regardless of which of these training plans you’re planning to jump in, you can enhance your performance in the gym with the best anabolic steroids you can buy online from Supps-For-Life.to. While we do not recommend steroids to absolute beginners, you may start using them after a few months of lifting in order to speed up your progress. Moreover, our 100% quality steroids can help you break through plateaus if you’re an advanced lifter. We can help determine the best way to use them in case you’re afraid of side effects or if you’re unsure which one to use and how to use them for the best results. With a personalized cycle plan, you’re well on your way to growing muscle fast and efficiently!
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