One very effective anabolic steroid that is not having the amount of popularity it deserves is Turinabol. This is a famous compound among steroid users and bodybuilders, yet many people don’t fully appreciate its effectiveness. The reason is because Turinabol (or as many people shortly call it Tbol) is not as powerful as other orally active steroids, or at least that’s what is believed when checking its ratings on paper.
Nonetheless, as we learned – the numbers on paper can be very misleading and Turinabol is proving it. The compound is actually extremely effective oral anabolic steroid and anyone thinking otherwise is making a big mistake.
The compound indeed might not be as powerful as other orally active steroids, yet, is still very effective and is still having lots of different benefits.
What is Turinabol?
Turinabol (Tbol) is an orally active androgenic and anabolic steroid (AAS) which has firstly appeared on the market back in 1960s as a derivative of Dianabol (Dbol).
That’s right, Turinabol was made from Dianabol and is a milder version of this famous steroid, yet it still has its own set of benefits.
The active substance 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone was derived from Methandrostenolone and what you may not know is that Turinabol was made specifically for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement purposes.
- It doesn’t have and never had any medical purposes. The compound was used with big success by athletes to take their performance (and physiques) to the next level.
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Turinabol Side Effects
Is important to take in consideration the fact that Turinabol (Tbol) doesn’t aromatize into estrogen and this means that it won’t cause any estrogen related side effects such as water retention, low libido, gynecomastia and others.
Other than that, Turinabol is having a very low androgenic ratio (almost none), and that’s why the androgen related side effects are going to be much lower and milder when comparing to other steroids.
But it definitely doesn’t mean that Turinabol is absolutely safe and side effects free.
As with other oral steroids, the compound is hepatotoxic, although the hepatotoxicity level is lower with Tbol.
Moreover, Turinabol (Tbol) is suppressive to natural testosterone production, as all other steroids, that’s why you may run a testosterone base during Turinabol cycle and is important to run a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) at the end of any anabolic steroid cycle.
In the end, Turinabol is a very mild compound, being much safer compared to most other steroids out there, one of its biggest advantages.
Turinabol Results and Benefits
Taken in consideration that is so mild, many people could wonder how actually effective Turinabol is and what are its results, benefits and effects.
As mentioned, the compound is milder because of the paper numbers of anabolic to androgenic ratio of 54 to 6 which is lower compared to most other steroids. Nonetheless, this makes Tbol safer in terms of side effects, plus it remains very effective.
Despite being milder, especially when comparing to Dianabol, the compound is still great. It cannot be compared to the strength of Winstrol or Dianabol, yet you would still benefit from:
- Increased Muscle Mass
- More Vascularity and Hardening Effect
- Burns Body Fat
- Boosts Strength and Performance
These are not all the benefits, but the most noticeable ones.
Gains from Turinabol are lean and this means that you won’t get water ballooned and gains would remain. To receive best results, Tbol is often stacked with other steroids.
Oral Turinabol Dosage and Administration
The compound is milder but is not side effects free, that’s why is best to start Turinabol slowly to make sure you stay away from side effects because they would occur if you won’t use the compound properly.
The dosage of 50 mg a day is the sweet spot for most people. 6 weeks cycle length is what most people go for.
- However, beginners may start at 20-30 mg a day for 4 weeks whilst absolute professionals may go to doses up to 80-100 mg a day for 6-8 weeks.
We recommend to start slowly and increase slowly. Doses over 80 mg a day are dangerous. In fact, anything over 50 mg is already very capable to offer side effects.
Turinabol For Sale
If you want to try a very effective yet pretty safe steroid go for Turinabol. But you need to make sure you get best quality Tbol to receive maximum benefits.
Buy Turianbol for sale directly from to make sure you have best quality compound for cheapest price. Also, is important to learn how to use it properly – we can guide you with that if you need some more information about it.
Buy Turinabol Here
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