We’ve all heard about the huge potency of Trenbolone which means that you most likely heard about Trenbolone side effects. Or at least, you should be familiar with the side effects of this powerful steroid as long as you plan to use it. Trenbolone is a steroid that is capable of completely changing your physique because of how immensely powerful it is. In fact, most people would agree that this is by far one of the most powerful steroids on the market. This is the reason why it is so likely to help you achieve mind blowing results for physique and performance enhancement goals. But this is the reason why Trenbolone side effects are among the worst out there.
If you plan to use it, I strongly recommend learning as much as possible about Trenbolone side effects. This compound popularity seems to continue growing, therefore, I feel it’s extremely important for you to read this article. At least, again, as long as you plan on using it.
Because of the Trenbolone side effects that can be severe, I strongly recommend learning about it as much as possible. Many people often learn about its benefits, but forget to inform themselves about the side effects. It’s so important to learn about them too because being informed means you’re “armed”. You know what to expect from using it and might understand how to reduce the side effects too.
In the end, while the list of Trenbolone side effects is similar to what you would find on many anabolic steroids, it’s important to understand that they are likely to be more severe because of Tren’s potency.
What is Trenbolone?
Trenbolone is a 19-nor anabolic and androgenic steroid coming in the form of injections. It has a huge potency and the numbers on paper prove it. It has an anabolic and androgenic rating of 500 for each. That makes it 5 times more powerful than testosterone. As you can guess, this makes Tren have some colossal effects on the body! Additionally, Trenbolone is resistant to aromatization. This means that it is not going to go through the estrogen conversion in the body.
This means that it is not going to cause any estrogenic side effects as it will not increase estrogen levels. Instead, since it’s a 19-nor compound, it will increase prolactin levels. This will come with its own set of side effects. This is one of the most confusing parts for most people. Trenbolone doesn’t increase estrogen but increases prolactin. This leads to different outcomes, so differences in side effects and different ways to combat the adverse side effects while you’re on the Trenbolone cycle.
What Trenbolone Does?
Trenbolone is an extremely powerful anabolic and androgenic steroid which means that it has immense abilities to build muscle mass and burn fat. All of that while virtually causing no water retention because it is immune to aromatization. Therefore, all the gains made with Trenbolone are clean and lean, causing vascularity and hardening effects. That’s a huge bonus for most people searching to use Trenbolone.
And except for the fact that it will help you gain a lot of muscles, it is also going to help you gain huge strength levels too. People running a short 8 week Trenbolone cycle report that they can easily pack on 10-25 lbs of lean muscle mass while increasing their strength levels by up to about 30%! All of that while not gaining any fat, or even losing some fat alongside great vascularity, dry and hardening effects. That’s all something that not all steroids can cause.
Because of the hardening effects and fat burning benefits, Trenbolone is also an amazing cutting steroid. Therefore, a lot of people use Trenbolone both in cutting cycles or in bulking cycles. It has strong androgen receptor binding properties leading to a direct fat loss effect. It will improve nutrient efficiency and will overall turn your body into a fat burning and muscle building machine.
One of the best things about Trenbolone – you can achieve all of its amazing benefits while using this steroid in lower doses. Considering it is ridiculously powerful, even very low doses are going to make you experience great benefits, especially as a beginner. Low to moderate doses are likely to make you experience some side effects, not to mention if you attempt using it in very high doses.
What Are Trenbolone Side Effects?
Because Trenbolone side effects are so powerful and so intense, I do not recommend Tren to beginners. It’s much better to use Trenbolone only after you have at least some basic experience with anabolic steroids. Since this is a steroid, some of the side effects are similar to other steroids, but they are just way more intense. That’s why it’s so much better to have at least some experience with other steroids first.
Moreover, Trenbolone is extremely powerful and will strongly suppress your natural testosterone levels. For this reason, you need Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after each Trenbolone cycle unless you are blasting and cruising (or in Testosterone Replacement Therapy). Moreover, for this reason, I always recommend stacking Trenbolone with Testosterone in all cycles.
Let’s get into more detail when it comes to Trenbolone side effects. Remember that the side effects of Trenbolone are the same regardless of the ester attached to it. The ester doesn’t determine the side effects, they only determine how fast Trenbolone will be released in your system after using it. Therefore, the side effects are all the same with all Trenbolone esters.
Estrogenic Side Effects
As I said, Trenbolone is not an estrogenic steroid which means that estrogen levels will not increase with this steroid. This means that it is not going to cause common side effects associated with the increase in estrogen levels.
In fact, some people report that they can experience some estrogen type of side effects, such as gynecomastia. But gyno with Trenbolone can occur only because of its ability to increase prolactin. We’re going to get into this later.
Hepatotoxic Side Effects
Another good news about Trenbolone is that it is not liver toxic. Trenbolone is an injectable anabolic steroid which means that it will not cause any liver issues. Some people suggest that Tren can still stress your liver to some extent, but it is not going to stress it any more than any other injectable anabolic steroid which is not that bad. At least, far not as bad as it is with oral steroids.
Possible Trenbolone Side Effects
Testosterone Suppression
Absolutely all anabolic and androgenic steroids are going to suppress natural testosterone production and Trenbolone is not an exception, of course. In fact, Trenbolone is so powerful that it can shut down your HPTA (hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis) after only short cycles in low doses. It can quickly and severely suppress your testosterone production and that’s why adding some form of testosterone to your Trenbolone cycle is very important. That’s why a PCT plan is absolutely essential after each cycle unless you’re cruising (TRT). All steroids will suppress testosterone to some degree, but Trenbolone is popular for its ability to completely shut you down really fast.
Androgenic Side Effects
Trenbolone is extremely androgenic – according to the numbers on paper, it is five times more androgenic than Testosterone. This means that the androgenic side effects are extremely likely to occur with this powerful steroid. As if you would take huge doses of Testosterone. Absolutely all anabolic and androgenic steroids are likely to enhance or boost the androgenic activity in the body, without exceptions. But there are few others that will boost them as much as Trenbolone would.
While androgenic side effects are very closely related to the genetics of each person, Trenbolone’s huge androgenic activity is likely to make you suffer from androgenic side effects even at the lowest doses if you’re genetically prone to them. Even those who are not prone to androgenic issues are likely to experience some, especially at higher doses. Only if you’re lucky enough and are not genetically predisposed to androgenic side effects, you may get away with minimal androgenic effects while using Trenbolone.
The androgenic activity is so ridiculously high that women are guaranteed to experience virilization (masculinization) side effects even at the tiniest dosage of Trenbolone. Therefore, Trenbolone for women is an extremely poor choice. In men, Trenbolone is an extremely strong androgen too. The main side effects that may occur are oily skin and acne, male pattern baldness (hair loss), an increase in aggression, and numerous others. The androgenic activity also affects your prostate. This could increase the prostate size leading to a higher risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Cardiovascular Issues
Another thing that is common among all anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS) is the fact that all of them will negatively impact cholesterol values and cardiovascular health. While Trenbolone is not the worst in terms of cholesterol and cardiovascular side effects, it will definitely have some side effects on your cholesterol and blood pressure. More than others.
The worst cholesterol issues are related to oral steroids that negatively impact your liver. Worst blood pressure issues are usually among those that cause a lot of water retention. Therefore, oral steroids such as Dianabol or Anadrol are among the worst for cardiovascular issues.
Yet, Trenbolone is still going to have negative effects on cholesterol and increase blood pressure. It will lower HDL (good) cholesterol and increase LDL (bad) cholesterol levels with a total increase in blood pressure.
A unique Trenbolone side effect is that it could reduce the cardio output in some users. This will lead to less endurance during intense cardio training. That’s why many people avoid the use of Trenbolone when their primary goal is endurance improvement.
Unique Trenbolone Side Effects
Talking about the unique side effects of Trenbolone, there are various others that I can mention except for the reduction in endurance during cardio exercises.
Prolactin Side Effects
Trenbolone is a 19-nor steroid and it will increase prolactin levels. It is not unique to Trenbolone only because there’s also Nandrolone that can increase prolactin levels too. When you get too high prolactin levels, the effects are very similar to when you’re experiencing too high estrogen levels. Such as gynecomastia and bloating. Other high prolactin side effects include low libido (sex drive) and inability to get and/or maintain an erection. Yet, if you get these issues due to prolactin issues, anti-estrogens are not effective.
You are going to need Cabergoline (Dostinex) which is reducing prolactin levels.
So, it’s highly recommended to have bloodwork every once in a while and check both your prolactin and estrogen. This way you would determine whether you need an anti-estrogen like Arimidex or Aromasin or an anti-prolactin like Cabergoline.
Increase in Aggression and Irritability
I know that this is actually an androgenic side effect and I’ve already covered it earlier. Nonetheless, I feel as if this side effect deserves attention because it’s something “unique” to Trenbolone. All steroids can increase aggression because all steroids are offering at least some form of androgenic activity. That’s why all steroids have a reputation for causing “roid rage”. But that’s actually not a problem with most steroids.
Yet, that’s a completely different story with Trenbolone since it’s such a powerful androgenic steroid. Many people call Tren “the relationship breaker”. That’s because those people who are already having a short temper and are easily irritable – Trenbolone is going to make it even shorter. While calm people are unlikely to get highly aggressive on Trenbolone, those people with a short fuse may find that Trenbolone is going to negatively impact their work and personal relationship.
Some people suggest that Trenbolone makes them paranoid, increases anxiety, and/or causes depression too. In fact, many people suggest that they stop the use of Trenbolone only because of its mental side effects.
Excessive Sweating
A lot of Tren users suggest that by far one of the most common Trenbolone side effects is excessive sweating. One of the reasons why many people only use it in the winter. It increases basal metabolic rate and causes an increase in body temperature. It may not be an issue during workouts, but it can be uncomfortable and annoying outside the gym when you sweat a lot. But in fact, it is an issue during workouts because this could be the reason why you experience reduced cardio output. Make sure that you drink a lot of water, otherwise, you may find yourself dehydrated since you sweat a lot.
Sweating could be a huge problem especially if you’re sweating a lot at night. This can actually lead to insomnia. Needless to mention that insomnia can lead to a lot of issues.
The fact that it causes excessive sweating, anxiety, and other mental issues, Trenbolone is very likely to cause insomnia. It has an impact on your central nervous system and that’s one of the reasons why it can wreak havoc on your body clock, lead to insomnia, sleeping issues, roid rage, and other issues.
Lack of sleep will lead to all sorts of negative issues including jeopardizing your performance and physique. Make sure you get enough sleep. If Trenbolone causes insomnia to an extent that it affects your daily life and/or results, either reduce the dosage or completely stop its use.
Sexual Dysfunction
Because of the decrease in natural testosterone levels and/or increase in prolactin levels, Trenbolone is very likely to cause some sexual dysfunction issues. It could lead to erectile dysfunction and/or low sex drive (low libido). This is one of the reasons why I strongly recommend stacking Trenbolone with Testosterone in all cycles and having Cabergoline handy if you choose to use Tren.
Testosterone alone is usually enough. If prolactin levels spike – add some Cabergoline. Sometimes, some men also add a male enhancing pill such as Viagra or Cialis too.
Tren Cough
Trenbolone is a steroid that is likely to make you cough after injection. In fact, all injectable steroids can cause coughing, but it’s most noticeable and most common with Trenbolone. It causes uncontrollable coughing after injecting for a few seconds up to a few minutes.
This side effect of Tren Coughing is something that’s not dangerous, but it is scary, especially if you are not expecting it.
Uncontrollable coughing occurs because steroids cause blood vessel narrowing. It leads to the smooth muscle of the lung’s bronchial wall vasoconstrictor and sometimes, the cough reaction can occur.
Is Trenbolone Safe?
It’s important to understand that there are no anabolic and androgenic steroids that we can call “safe”. Nonetheless, you can still safely use Trenbolone as long as you learn how to use it carefully. Yet, remember that Trenbolone is a very powerful steroid which means that you need to use extra caution with it.
Generally, I recommend Trenbolone if:
- You have previous experience with other steroids
- Learned enough about it, how to use it correctly, and Trenbolone side effects
- Have cabergoline handy and stack it with testosterone
- Made sure you got high quality Trenbolone
- Have a proper lifestyle (diet and workout) and are healthy enough (no heart issues or other issues that Trenbolone may exacerbate).
Remember that Trenbolone can be highly effective only as long as you know what you’re doing and as long as you get quality stuff.
Supps-For-Life.to is here to help with all of that. We can help determine the best way for you to use Trenbolone to get the best results and stay away from side effects. Moreover, we can help you get Trenbolone for sale of the highest quality.
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