Anyone searching for Monster-like Strength increase – read this article about Superdrol. You may very well like it.
What is Superdrol?
Superdrol is a very famous steroid and that’s because of its huge potency and possible positive effects and benefits that it can offer a bodybuilder. The compound is just the brand/ trade name of the active substance (chemical name) of Methasterone or 17a-Methyl-Drostanolone or simply Methyldrostanolone. You may find other brand/ trade names with the same chemical name and they are the same Superdrol compound, but Superdrol is the first and the most well known brand of the compound.
The steroid is working in similar way to other anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS) by binding to the androgen receptors, however, as soon as it does so, Superdrol (Methasterone – Methyldrostanolone) is displaying a huge power which is super helpful for growing muscles and boosting strength. Therefore the compound is very popular among many bodybuilders, powerlifters and other athletes.
In fact, Superdrol is considered to be one of the most powerful orally active steroid that you can find available. Use to get highest quality Superdrol for lowest price you can find on market.
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That’s right, Superdrol is orally active as it comes in form of tablets and therefore, its huge potency is received extremely fast. Orally active steroids are working extremely fast, and Superdrol is super powerful.
Superdrol was initially classified as a dietary supplement, then as a prohormone but ultimately it was discovered to be one of the most powerful steroid, especially when talking about orally active steroids. In the end, why is Superdrol such a famous steroid?
This is a hugely potent steroid capable to offer extremely fast boost in crazy muscle growth and muscle strength with an overall big boost in body performance.
The main effects of Superdrol (SD) includes: increases of protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in muscles with overall help of your muscle cells growth. Because it works so fast and builds up in your system quickly, the effects are seen within a few weeks but users start feeling the compound within the first days of using it.
Here are some of the most desirable benefits of using Superdrol by bodybuilders (and the biggest benefits of this compound):
- Overall Increase in Muscle Mass and Muscle Strength
- Boost in Energy, Stamina as well as Endurance
- Muscle Recovery is Dramatically Enhanced
- Physical Appearance Would Greatly Change
Those people who want to get huge and fast growth in their muscle mass and size they would get a great benefit from using Superdrol. In the same time, they would notice a dramatic change in the amount of strength and overall physical performance as they would be able to perform longer, better and more frequently. Superdrol is considered extremely useful for bodybuilding needs and generally, for anyone looking to perform and/or look better.
What is Superdrol Used For?
Nowadays, Superdrol is being used for the same purposes as other androgenic and anabolic steroids (AAS) which is enhancement of physique and performance. This steroid has unique abilities so it can be added in both bulking or cutting cycles, however, Superdrol (methasterone) is mainly seen as a bulking steroid.
The compound displays crazy abilities for achieving dramatic increase in lean muscle mass, in muscle vascularity, in strength levels including a big boost in the recovery after muscle waste or tear. These benefits may sound similar to those of other steroids, but there are still big differences and the biggest ones includes: extremely fast onset of actions and the extremely big potency of the steroid offering those benefits like nothing else.
- That’s the reason why the results of all Superdrol cycles are extremely big, impossible to be unnoticeable and capable to offer big changes.
Superdrol is such a powerful because of the active substance Methyldrostanolone (Methasterone) and this is a steroidal hormone that is being modified from the traditional Drostanolone (better known as Masteron) and this alteration to Drostanolone offered its huge potency. The compound got the addition of the extra methyl group at carbon 17 which allows the oral administration and also, generally, made the compound super potent.
Methasterone (Methyldrostanolone) was introduced back in 1950s as Superdrol and since then, it has been used by many bodybuilders because of its huge desirable effects in terms of growing muscle mass and strength levels. In the past, before 2012, the compound was seen as a “prohormone” and sold as such.
It was taken as a dietary supplement by many bodybuilders without realizing that this is, in fact, one of the most powerful steroid that they ever used. That’s why, thinking of Superdrol as a dietary supplement is an extremely big mistake. Due to its huge potency (and liability to offer negative side effects), the USA FDA has banned the compound back in 2012 officially.
Nowadays, the compound is banned by FDA as well as WADA (World Anti Doping Agency) and is in the list of prohibited drugs in sports as well as is not recommended for any use. Superdrol is banned and called dangerous and yet, lots of people still use it nowadays for bodybuilding purposes, for physique and performance enhancement.
That’s the only use of Superdrol as it has never been recognized for any medical uses.
Effects on the body of Superdrol Cycles
Superdrol cycles are having huge effects on the body and that’s because of its huge potency and power and those effects, as mentioned, come extremely fast because the compound builds up in the system fast.
The biggest effects of a Superdrol cycle is the fact that it would do an amazing job in increasing your lean muscle mass, in improving your body performance as well as a huge increase in strength levels. You would notice that the muscle recovery is going to be much faster and therefore, you would be able to work out much more frequently than you usually do. This offers even more results.
Users of Superdrol cycles reported that from their first cycle, they were capable to gain at least 10-20 lbs of lean muscle mass (some may grow even more, depending on the diet and workout) and a total increase in strength by at least 10%. Others report a mind blowing increase in total weight limit by about 25% if they barely had any experience with any steroids in the past and that’s their first Superdrol cycle.
- Superdrol has a very favorable anabolic to androgenic ratio of 400 : 20. That’s a huge difference compared to testosterone, for example, which has anabolic to androgenic ratio of 100 : 100.
The compound is working by binding to androgen receptors and from that point, it is great at promoting the retention of nitrogen in the muscle cells and by offering a great boost in protein synthesis. That’s what leads to hardening effects of muscles that grow bigger and faster, offering muscle vascularity, more strength and an overall better physical bodily outlook and enhanced performance.
How Superdrol Cycles Affects You?
Superdrol cycles may have many various effects on your body. It could influence you in the good way, but it could have a bad influence on your body too. How Superdrol cycles would affect you greatly depends on how exactly you would use the compound. By having a proper use, a Superdrol cycle is going to be beneficial in many ways and some positive effects that you would receive goes as:
- Superdrol is going to greatly increase your workout strength, significantly improving your athletic build as well as performance making you much more powerful, capable to endure much intense workout sessions.
- The anabolic steroid is going to offer a huge boost in the testosterone levels, this would offer a big enhancement in the natural male characteristics which includes many benefits, but the most important ones includes faster and more muscle and strength growth.
- Overall, you would notice that your muscle mass and your size is going to get to the next level, your bulking cycle receives a great aid with much less water retention.
- As a result of that, your body look is going to get to the next level as you would look much better except for performing much better
- You would receive “male characteristics” as you would notice your jaw getting bigger and “manlier” with an overall increase in body and face hair growth making your voice deeper too.
- The compound would make sure you receive less stress and fat related hormones and would upregulate the testosterone levels by altering the body’s hormonal balance. The steroid makes sure you get more of the hormones that make you grow, and less of those hormones that are detrimental for physique and performance enhancement.
- All steroids help to burn body fat. Same goes for Superdrol which, despite the fact that makes you eat more, you would reduce the risk of obesity and getting fat because it burns fat. It makes sure that you get the maximum out of the foods that you eat, regulating the nutrients and proteins etc. into making your muscles bigger with less fat.
Superdrol Results and Benefits
Superdrol is having various benefits and final results can be impressive when the anabolic steroid is taken as recommended. There are numerous Superdrol results but in the end, it depends on many factors such as your diet, your workout program, your tolerance to the drug, the dosage and cycle length, either you add other steroids/ supplements/ medicine to your cycle and many other factors.
In the end, is very possible to achieve some of the fundamental benefits of Superdrol which go as:
Increased Muscle Mass and Size
This benefit is the biggest and the most sought-after by everyone who is searching for Superdrol cycles. And this is also the benefit that cannot be unnoticed – the increased muscle mass is something that would happen for everyone using the compound and doing at least any physical activity.
However, a complete and really good Superdrol cycle won’t only increase muscle mass a bit, it would also offer extremely fast and strong benefit in terms of adding impressive amounts of lean muscle mass. The powerful anabolic steroid is going to help boost the retention of the muscle nitrogen and that’s extremely important when talking about the good synthesis of protein and these are important factors playing a key role on the development of maturation as well as the growth of muscle tissues.
In fact, almost any process that is stimulated or inhibited by Superdrol cycle in your body, is all helpful when talking about the growth of muscles. And taken in consideration that the compound has a strong effect which occurs really fast, the product is going to offer noticeable effects in a very short period of time after the cycle started.
Crazy Athletic Performance
You won’t only look much better because you would be much muscular with great effects on muscle growth and fat loss effects, but you would also display a crazy athletic performance taken in consideration that the users of Superdrol cycles are getting much more energy, a lot much more stamina and endurance with an overall huge increase in strength.
- Is a very well known factor that in order to get more strength you need more dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone and that’s exactly what Superdrol offers you.
- In order to have more focus, energy and stamina you need more testosterone and that’s what Superdrol does.
- Lastly, for displaying a great performance in endurance athletic sports, you would require a big supply of muscular oxygen. Oxygenation is something crucial for your muscles to get less tired and have more endurance. Because of more red blood cells, your muscles get a spike in oxygen thanks to Superdrol.
You would have an outstanding athletic performance all along with more strength and muscles as almost all processes in the body help you to perform better and look better (get muscular vascularity).
Enhanced Recovery Process
We all know that muscles do not grow in the gym, actually, they grow when we’re resting. In gym, we just make “new room” for more muscles. When stretching and working out the muscles in the gym, we tear the muscle tissues apart and when resting, we recover back the worn out muscles.
Every bodybuilder knows that by not having enough rest we do not fully recover our muscles and this could result in injuries because of muscle fatigue, muscle wastage and too much tears and wears in the gym. That’s why is highly recommended not to intensively workout on a daily basis when you are not prepared, it would lead to injuries.
But even professional bodybuilders may get some injuries taken in consideration that they tend to work out for extremely long periods of time, with extremely heavy weights, multiple times a day, on a daily basis. When using Superdrol, you’re highly diminishing the chances that injuries would occur. Even if they do, the recovery time is going to be much shorter.
That’s because Superdrol doesn’t only start the process of new muscle tissue growth, but is also an amazing steroid for causing super fast repair of the injured muscle tissues and also greatly boosting the recovery from the muscle wastage, which is why it greatly reduces the chances of getting in gym injury.
That’s partly the reason why you get muscle growth faster and over the limits and that’s also increasing the required strength that’s needed for consistent workouts and exercises. Faster muscle and strength growth, less chances of injury and faster recovery – all at once.
Administration that is Non-Invasive
Because the active substance Drostanolone got a chemical change and it ended up becoming Methyldrostanolone (also known as Methasterone) the active substance of Superdrol allowed the oral administration. Superdrol comes as oral pills and that’s an advantage over intramuscular injection because it allows for administration that is non invasive, unlike Drostanolone which can be administered only in form of injection.
A lot of steroids cannot be used in form of oral tablets because they are only effective as injections and that’s often seen as a drawback because a lot of people want to use pills and receive great benefits, instead of injecting themselves regularly.
So, Superdrol comes as oral tablets and can be administered non invasively which is a big benefit because it doesn’t cause pains at the injection site, redness, flushness or anything in this matter, without the need to injury your muscles more.
During the Superdrol cycles, you simply should swallow the pills without being worried about anything. The compound is going to work perfectly for your needs, you just need to use it on a daily basis unlike many other injectable steroids which can be used once every few days.
Superdrol Side Effects
Superdrol (Methyl drostanolone) is a very powerful anabolic steroid and that’s why is very important to remember that side effects, are definitely possible, especially without having a proper use of the compound.
- In fact, the side effects are possible even when you have a normal administration taken in consideration that this is such a powerful steroid. Nonetheless, there is good news – side effects can be avoided, reduced and controlled, it highly depends on how exactly you are going to use this anabolic steroid.
The overall appearance of the side effects, the frequency of their occurrence as well as their intensity greatly depends on various factors such as the dosage, cycle length, personal tolerance, either you add other supplements/ steroids/ medicine to the cycle, your size, age, gender, either you have pre existent health issues and various other factors.
In the end, make sure to have a proper use in order to have the least possible negative side effects and try to do anything that’s possible for increasing the benefits in the same time.
After all, Superdrol is a powerful steroid and must be respected. In the past, it was labeled as a prohormone and dietary supplement but that’s a big mistake. In the end, there are good reasons why FDA decided to ban Superdrol back in 2012. Is considered an illegal drug because it has various negative side effects which may appear, especially with improper use.
In fact, one of the biggest reasons why Superdrol got FDA attention is because a lot of people were abusing it and that’s how they ended with side effects. With a proper use, is very unlikely you would get any really bad side effects. Here are some of the common side effects that should be listed when talking about Superdrol:
As earlier said, the alternation of the chemical drostanolone allowed the oral administration of the compound which is a good news because the compound can bypass the liver without being destroyed and staying active. The bad news is that the liver suffers out of this. The liver enzymes spike and when they go too high or/ and for too long periods – this is leading to liver issues.
In fact, liver toxicity is a very common side effect of most steroids, especially when talking about orally active steroids. The problem with Superdrol is that in the case of this specific steroid, the problem is bigger, because Superdrol affects your liver even more.
- In case you’re already suffering from some liver problems, is highly recommended to avoid Superdrol administration. Also, by running Superdrol, avoid any other substances that affect your liver such as alcohol, OTC medications and various other compounds.
Too high dosage or/ and too prolonged use leads to liver toxicity (hepatotoxicity) which is leading to cirrhosis, liver cancer and complete liver failure – that’s something you definitely wouldn’t want to happen.
Androgenic Side Effects
The androgenic side effects are unlikely to occur with Superdrol unlike you use too high dosages and for too long periods or if you are genetically prone to get androgenic side effects.
Some examples of androgenic side effects include: hair loss (male pattern baldness), abnormal hair growth on face and body, deepening of the voice, aggression, oily skin and bad skin condition (acne) including various others.
Testosterone Suppression
As any other steroids, Superdrol is going to be suppressive to your natural testosterone production. The suppression rate depends on dosage, cycle length and few other factors. In the end, regardless which steroids you use, you would get your testosterone inhibited.
That’s why is so important to run a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) protocol after each steroid cycle, especially after ending with Superdrol that is a powerful steroid.
Estrogenic Side Effects
You won’t get any estrogenic side effects on Superdrol because it cannot aromatize and won’t turn into estrogen. However, although it cannot aromatize, there still seem to be a few people who experience mild gynecomastia.
It looks like that’s because the anabolic steroid is taking up more SHBG activity, this increases free testosterone in the body and the testosterone is converted into estrogen instead.
Virilization Side Effects
Women are at risk of receiving virilization side effects. This is the process when a woman is basically turned into a man, known as masculinization. A woman would start looking, feeling, behaving and thinking like a man.
Enlargement of clitoris, menstrual irregularities, deepening of the voice, smaller breasts, abnormal hair growth on face and body are only some examples of virilization symptoms.
High Blood Pressure
Superdrol is a steroid known to cause a rapid spike in blood pressure levels, which may lead to way too high blood pressure (hypertension). If you already have some high blood pressure, Superdrol may not be good for you.
If not treating this side effect properly, you may receive heart attack, vascular injuries, stroke or other heart issues.
Cholesterol Issues
Superdrol, as many other steroids, is capable to offer an imbalance in your blood lipids and changing the balance to the wrong side. Superdrol, as other steroids, is decreasing HDL (healthy) cholesterol and increasing LDL (negative) cholesterol values.
The changes may be pretty severe and that may lead to various negative side effects such as clogging of blood vessels, stroke, heart issues etc. Make sure not to have cholesterol related issues before starting with the anabolic steroid, regularly exercise and have a cholesterol friendly diet.
Superdrol Dosage and How to Take Superdrol?
Before we even start talking about the Superdrol dosage and how to take Superdrol, we need to warn you that you should be having a few months of training under your belt, you need to be sure that you are healthy enough to use the compound and also, make sure that you go through a Post Cycle Therapy after each cycle, so you need to have PCT drugs even before starting with the actual cycle.
PCT plan is done when you finish the cycle with Superdrol and the compound is flushed out of your system, then you add PCT medicines, most common ones are Clomid (Clomiphene) and Nolvadex (Tamoxifen). PCT is crucial to be implemented after each steroid cycle.
So, Superdrol is an orally active steroid and therefore, it should be swallowed orally by mouth with a glass of water. It has a half life of approximately 8 hours, this is the reason why the compound should be administered at least 2 times a day in order to maintain stable blood levels and receive maximum benefits.
During the time that is being active in the body, the compound is having great and tremendous effects offering big benefits and high potency.
- Superdrol dosage ranges anywhere between 10 mg and 40 mg a day. Anything more than 40 mg a day is pure abuse. But in fact, because of its high potency, the side effects are possible to occur at dosages over 20 mg a day, that’s why higher dosages are only recommended to advanced users.
If that’s the first time that you use Superdrol, is recommended to stick at 10 mg a day for receiving results without side effects. Advanced users go for 20 mg a day or maybe even 30 mg a day. Absolute professionals use doses as 30 mg or even 40 mg a day. But most people prefer 20 mg a day offering low side effects combined with high efficiency.
Buy Superdrol here.
Using the compound at least twice a day (instead of whole daily dosage taken at once) is not only offer a better protocol in terms of benefits, but it also seems to be healthier too as it would offer less pressure on your organs.
- Superdrol cycle shouldn’t ever go over 6 weeks. Some professionals use it for as long as 8 weeks, but that’s not recommended. Beginners and advanced users actually use it for 4 weeks only as it would be enough to get outstanding results and benefits.
Is essential for a Superdrol cycle to be used alongside with diet, workout plan and supplements. This would greatly reduce the risks of receiving nasty side effects and in the same time, it would offer the maximum benefits as Superdrol is not some kind of “magic” pill that makes you grow muscles without a proper diet and properly working out.
In the end, the way how you take Superdrol is the key on how it would work for you. It could be your best friend for growing muscles and offering great performance but it could be your health enemy without a proper use.
Where to Buy Superdrol?
When checking the huge potency of this really powerful steroid and how amazing it can be in terms of benefits and results, a lot of people are asking “Where Can I Buy Superdrol?”
In fact, there seem to be a lot of people who wonder “where to buy Superdrol” and that’s taken in consideration that this is a very famous steroid, known to offer crazy results for those looking for bodybuilding purposes and yet, is quite hard to find such a steroid.
Buy Superdrol here.
It has a pretty high demand with low availability because it got banned by USA FDA. Luckily, you can use this source. Our website is the perfect source for the perfect Superdrol compound. Make sure you would get the real Superdrol of the highest quality for the lowest price here.
Is very hard to find a real compound because a lot of Superdrol is getting faked nowadays. Those few sources carrying it have high prices on the other hand. But now you can save money on a real product by using our source Buy Superdrol for sale and get the best compound.
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