Those men that want to get really big and jacked, or professional bodybuilders that want to get on competitive stages usually resort to anabolic steroids. They use steroids because we all know how immense results they can give in terms of muscle growth.
However, if you’ve been researching about steroids, you most likely heard that they are separated in 2 big categories: aromatizable steroids (also called wet steroids) and non aromatizable steroids (also called dry steroids).
Each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages.
- For example, dry steroids are amazing at preserving lean muscle mass, burning body fat and not offering estrogen related side effects. However, dry steroids are far from wet steroids in terms of packing on size and mass.
- Wet steroids are perfect for those that want to get muscular and big, dry are perfect for those who want to get shredded (usually after the user went through the wet cycle). Now, the problem with wet steroids is that they cause estrogen related side effects.
They are “Aromatized” and this means that the steroid is converted into estrogen. As a result, using such steroids users have very high risk chances of suffering from estrogen related side effects. They can be water retention, hypertension, gynecomastia and others.
For such situations there is Arimidex (Anastrozole) a medication that is made to inhibit the aromatization process and therefore, lower the estrogen levels. As a result of lower estrogen – the compound is great at protecting you from estrogen related side effects.
Buy Arimidex here.
That’s why there are lots of bodybuilders that use steroids who search for Arimidex and use it so much. Nonetheless, is very important to learn that Arimidex may offer side effects on its own too.
This non steroidal aromatase inhibitor is capable to inhibit way too much of estrogen and when the individual has no estrogen that is leading to various nasty side effects. Taken in consideration that estrogen is primarily considered a “female” hormone – is much more unhealthy for a woman to be estrogen deficit. But estrogen deficiency is bad and comes with side effects for men too.
In the end, side effects are more likely to appear among women taken in consideration that they need much more of this hormone that is getting inhibited when Arimidex is used. This hormone is required by men too, so side effects are still possible.
In addition to that, men who need Arimidex for their estrogenic protection during anabolic steroid cycle require the product for much shorter periods than women for treating breast cancer (weeks vs years) and usually, women use it in higher doses.
As a result of all these factors, women are much more predisposed to side effects of Arimidex whilst side effects from this compound among men is a very rare phenomenon, at least, as long as the compound is properly used.
In the end, there are rare and serious side effects of Arimidex as well as common but not very serious, except for the allergic reactions to the compound. Plus to that, there are long terms side effects of Arimidex (Anastrozole) such as liver issues, bone issues and pain (osteoporosis), cholesterol related side effects and others, but these are only appearing if using the compound for long periods.
Serious but rare side effects include:
- Swelling of body parts
- Skin reactions
- Signs of stroke
- Abnormal liver function
The common side effects usually indicate estrogen deficiency and they are usually including:
- Hot flashes
- Back pain
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Arthritis
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Depression
- Stomach issues and there are others.
Arimidex side effects are not as bad as the possible side effects that a steroid user may receive from using anabolic steroids and not having estrogenic protection. The individual may get water retention that would lead to unpleasant bloating and swelling of face and body parts, water retention may lead to hypertension and this may lead to heart related issues. Plus, you may get gynecomastia so bad that you would need a surgery.
Is much safer to add an aromatase inhibitor as the possible side effects are much milder and much lower chances for their occurrence. Go for Arimidex (Anastrozole) or at least any other AI if you plan cycling with wet steroids. You can get high quality aromatase inhibitors from this site at for very appealing deals.
Buy Anastrozole here.
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