Buy Injectable Metandienone Online For Sale Here.
Below you’re going to find the best quality products containing Injectable Methandienone on the market. Note that this substance may be sold under numerous brand names. The most popular is Dianabol (Dbol) among others. This steroid is mostly popular as oral pills/tablets, but there’s the injectable Methandienone version available too.
Metandienone (Dianabol – Dbol) is an extremely popular Anabolic and Androgenic Steroid (AAS), derived from testosterone. It is perhaps the most popular oral steroid. It’s also the first oral steroid that bodybuilders started to use. Still, there’s the injectable version if you want it.
Half-Life: 3-6 hours.
Administration: 2-4x a day.
Dosage: 15-80 mg/day.
Cycle: 4-8 weeks.
Best Used For: Lean Muscle Growth, Bulking and Performance.
Female Use: No.
Aromatization: Yes.
Hepatotoxicity: Yes.
Anabolic:Androgenic Rating: 90-210:40-60
Stay assured these are the best quality products containing Injectable Methandienone (Dianabol – Dbol) on the market, quality-tested. Choose the brand and you’ll buy an affordable, yet high-quality product.
Check below our inventory of Injectable Metandienone.
