Nolvadex is a very important compound in bodybuilding but it does come with its own set of side effects. All compounds are capable of causing side effects and Nolvadex is not an exception. For this reason, you need to learn how to use it carefully in order to yield the best results and stay away from its side effects.
Nolvadex is a SERM – Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator. Bodybuilders usually use it as a part of a PCT plan – Post Cycle Therapy when they stop using a steroid cycle and all steroids are out of the system. However, many also use it during the cycle of anabolic steroids in order to fight off gynecomastia (gyno).
- Nolvadex is just the most popular brand name. There are numerous other brand/trade names. The active substance is Tamoxifen or its full name – Tamoxifen Citrate.
You need to be aware that Nolvadex or as many people call it shortly – Nolva is a compound that is working as an estrogen antagonist in some parts of the body but is also working as an estrogen agonist in some other parts of the body. Tamoxifen is selectively binding to estrogen receptors and is working in different ways. Based on all of this, its side effects can be different.
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) in medical settings is great as an anticancer medication. More specifically, it blocks the effects of estrogen within the breast tissue. That’s why it’s effective at dealing with breast cancer in women and it’s the same reason why it’s effective at dealing with gynecomastia in men. Moreover, it blocks the estrogen receptors in the pituitary gland and that’s how it is helpful for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plans.
Explaining Nolvadex Side Effects
It’s important to understand that Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) is a compound that is considered extremely beneficial for bodybuilders. As said, it can greatly help restore natural testosterone production during the PCT plan and it does an amazing job in preventing gynecomastia apparition during the cycle of steroids. At the same time, many consider it highly safe with little to no side effects.
A lot of bodybuilders report very tolerable side effects or no side effects at all from using Nolvadex. But it’s pretty obvious that you need to learn it correctly to avoid the side effects. Nonetheless, it’s very important to understand that pretty much like any other drug and medication, Tamoxifen does have side effects.
In addition to that, it’s important to understand that everyone is different with different reactions to different compounds. That’s why, while someone may not experience any side effects at all from using Nolvadex, others might. That’s simply because of how their body reacts to this compound. It’s also important to pay attention to the dosage and to how long you’re using the compound. But due to different reactions, different people may react differently to the same dosage too.
It’s important to find the perfect dosage that works best for you and your needs. Nolvadex dosage can range. The most common dosage is 20 mg to 40 mg a day (1-2 tablets a day, considering that tamoxifen strength per pill is usually 20 mg/tab). But some people up it to 3-4 tabs a day (60-80 mg/day) on rare occasions for specific needs.
Anyway, Nolvadex side effects include the following (but are not limited to):
Some people experience headaches from using Nolvadex and that’s actually a pretty common issue with using this compound. In fact, headaches are perhaps the most common Nolvadex side effects. The same applies to Clomid too (another popular SERM).
If you’re experiencing headaches, I recommend pain relieving tablets, drinking water, going to sleep, or taking a walk in fresh air.
Usually, headaches are generally mild and they go away. Not everyone experiences them either. Nonetheless, some people do report some pretty severe headaches.
Stomach Upset
Nolvadex (tamoxifen) is a compound that you need to be careful of if you’re already having some stomach and/or digestive issues. That’s because some people report stomach upset while using Nolvadex. If you have a sensitive stomach that could be a problem.
Some experience stomach cramps, bloating, gas, stomach ache, diarrhea, flatulence, and/or constipation. Pretty obvious that not everyone will experience such issues. Even those people who do experience stomach upset and digestive issues, will not experience all of these problems.
Even if you do have digestive issues when using it, they are likely to be mild. But if you have a sensitive stomach, then you are still likely to get some of these issues and you will need to watch out for it.
Hot Flashes
When you’re using Nolvadex (and Clomid too) as a part of PCT, then hot flashes may be pretty common. At least, it seems like bodybuilders do report such issues while using tamoxifen citrate. If you’re using Nolvadex in the winter that may not be a big problem at all. However, if you have hot flashes in the summer when the weather is already very hot, this can be quite a big problem.
Hot flashes are especially an issue if you get them at night when you’re trying to sleep. People report difficulties falling asleep due to hot flashes.
If you’re experiencing hot flashes then I recommend you keep as cool as possible when using Nolvadex. Air conditioning may be helpful as well as cold water.
Far not everyone experiences Nolvadex side effects and those who do say that the side effects are very tolerable. In most cases, side effects can be dealt with by adjusting the dosage. In addition to that, I strongly recommend high quality tamoxifen citrate.
When you want to use Nolvadex for bodybuilding purposes, you need to make sure that the product is of the highest quality, exactly as your steroids are. This is the only way to get the maximum benefits and results while maintaining side effects at bay.
Buy Nolvadex for sale from and make sure that you’re getting the purest steroids and their ancillaries for the best possible prices!
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