You may have been working out hard in the gym for a while now, but you could still struggle to get rid of gynecomastia. This is the medical term for man boobs. If you’re suffering from this condition, we know that it can be very embarrassing. Gynecomastia (man boobs) can lead to lower self-esteem, and avoiding the mirrors.
Even if you’ve tried hard to do everything right, such as eating healthy, smashing in the gym, drinking lots of water, and so on, you could still feel that the fatty tissue under your pecs won’t go away. If that’s so, then your man boobs (gynecomastia) could be down to a hormone imbalance.
- This is the reason why anabolic steroid users are more likely to suffer from gynecomastia. Anabolic steroids are basically hormones. That’s why, by using them, you basically increase the hormonal levels. This could lead to hormone imbalance which could cause gyno (man boobs).
Nonetheless, even if you’re not using anabolic steroids, you could still find yourself experiencing gynecomastia. It is extremely important to do “everything right” first (as earlier mentioned), before assuming that it is a hormonal imbalance. On the other hand, you could use anabolic steroids and still not suffer from gynecomastia (man boobs). That’s all very individual.
In the end, let’s get closer to it, and analyze ways to control gyno.
Do chest exercises treat man boobs?
No, they don’t. Anabolic steroids are more prone to experience gynecomastia because of the imbalance of hormones that they may cause. So, as long as your hormones are not in proper balance, then your man boobs are going to stay there. Regardless of how many push ups, presses, or dips you’re going to do.
In fact, working out your chest may be making this issue worse. That’s because the man’s boobs are basically some layers of fat in the tissue in the chest. When you’re working out and you grow your chest muscles behind those fat layers, it results in the muscle pushing the fat forward, making it more visible. That is similar to when you try to reduce belly fat in an attempt to have visible abs. You shouldn’t focus on exercises that target the ab area only. It would help if you attempted to lower your overall body fat percentage.
You definitely shouldn’t stop working out your chest, but you do need to focus on bringing your hormones on point. Similar to how you shouldn’t stop working out your abs if you really want to see abs, you need to burn the fat covering them.
Burn Fat to Shake Off Man Boobs (Gynecomastia)
The problem with man boobs (gynecomastia) is that the fatty layers in the chest are not similar to those in the midsection (belly). This means that while man boobs are caused by fat, it could take more than just losing weight to shift them. That’s because, as said, you need a proper hormonal balance. That’s why dieting doesn’t always help. If you have a restrictive diet, your body may be deprived of crucial nutrients which could push your hormones out of hand even more.
For example, we need fatty acids and cholesterol in order to create testosterone. But if you cut out both of those vital testosterone building ingredients when you diet, your Testosterone levels are likely to drop. Simply because the body cannot make enough of it. This way, the testosterone can lower while estrogen increases, so that’s how gynecomastia forms. What you basically need is to restore balance in your hormones.
Estrogen and Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia (man boobs) is the result of high estrogen levels. Both men and women have both estrogen and testosterone. But it is the varying amount of each of these hormones that makes us so different. Women’s breasts are made out of fatty tissues. Gynecomastia in men is made out of excessive fatty tissues. One of the main reasons why women have naturally larger breasts than men is because they naturally have higher estrogen levels than men. Now that’s why men with higher estrogen levels suffer from gynecomastia.
This is the reason why you’re struggling to get rid of your man boobs if you have more estrogen in your system than you should. Normally, the body can control the amount of testosterone and estrogen produced, but if an imbalance occurs and hormones are out of whack, you’ll get signs, such as gyno.
It is not always a hormonal imbalance, for this reason, you need to have a healthy diet, workout hard, drink water, etc. and the man boobs are likely to go. But if that’s the hormonal imbalance responsible for this issue, then you’ll never shake the man’s boobs unless you restore balance in hormones. Moreover, high estrogen levels make it hard to lose body fat.
Restore your hormonal balance and deal with gynecomastia
Restoring your hormonal balance comes with a lot of benefits. By restoring your balance you basically increase testosterone levels and reduce your estrogen. This will lead to numerous benefits such as:
- Losing excess body fat
- Improving muscle growth
- Boosting energy levels
- Increasing your sex drive
- Getting rid of gynecomastia (man boobs)
- And numerous other benefits
You can restore the balance with a proper and balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle, avoiding bad habits, getting enough sleep and rest, working out hard and regularly, and so on.
Anabolic Steroids and Gynecomastia
As said, anabolic steroid users are more likely to suffer from gynecomastia. That’s because steroids are basically hormones. Let me explain. When you use testosterone, for example, you increase the levels of this hormone. But the body aromatizes this hormone, which basically means that it turns it into estrogen.
When you stop taking testosterone, estrogen levels take a while to lower back, so you end with high estrogen and lower testosterone, as the body stops producing testosterone on its own. That’s why Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is so important. It helps restore hormonal balance by reducing estrogen and boosting natural testosterone production.
However, you may notice gynecomastia even during the cycle of testosterone. That’s a sign that you have high levels of estrogen. As said, this hormone forms those fatty tissues in the breasts. If this occurs, you have two methods to get rid of gynecomastia:
- Aromatase inhibitors
- Nolvadex (tamoxifen)
Both of these are considered anti-estrogens, but they are very different in the ways they work and deal with gynecomastia issues.
Aromatase Inhibitors vs Nolvadex
Among popular aromatase inhibitors that steroid users use we can mention Anastrozole (Arimidex), Exemestane (Aromasin), and Letrozole (Femara). They are similar in mechanism of action with little differences.
They work by basically binding to aromatase enzymes, those that bind to testosterone and other hormones, converting them into estrogen. As they bind to aromatase enzymes, they block the conversion into estrogen. That’s how they lower total estrogen levels in the body. This way, it blocks the gynecomastia formation.
The most popular Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) are Anastrozole and Exemestane. Letrozole is just too powerful for most people, as it can lower estrogen levels too much.
But there’s also Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) that won’t bind to aromatase enzymes and won’t lower estrogen, but it still helps prevent or treat gynecomastia (man boobs). It works by binding directly to the estrogen receptors in the breasts. This means that despite the fact that estrogen levels are high, they cannot bind to the estrogen receptors in the breast tissues, so they treat/prevent gynecomastia.
Now, why would you need Nolvadex over AIs?
Because Tamoxifen doesn’t lower estrogen whereas AIs lower it. This can be effective in case you have very high levels of estrogen and you experience other high estrogen symptoms except for gynecomastia, such as water retention, feeling emotion, erectile dysfunction, and others. However, lots of bodybuilders do not lower estrogen because estrogen helps grow muscle. Moreover, with AIs, you risk lowering your estrogen levels too much. If there’s not enough estrogen in the symptoms, you can suffer from numerous other side effects such as inability to build muscle and strength, erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, and others.
So, lots of people tend to use Nolvadex to deal with gynecomastia to keep estrogen high as long as they do not get high estrogen symptoms which helps them build muscle. In case you do experience other issues, then an AI is going to be helpful whereas Tamoxifen will not. Simply because, as said, it doesn’t lower estrogen, so it doesn’t lower the high estrogen symptoms other than gyno.
In the end, the fastest way to get rid of stored fat in your chest and get rid of gynecomastia is to use aromatase inhibitors or tamoxifen citrate. Some people even use both of them for the best and fastest results, but you should be careful with them because as with any other compound, they can cause side effects.
You could use them even if you do not use steroids and still experience gynecomastia. On the other hand, you could use anabolic steroids and do not experience gyno. But before you actually start using them, make sure that gyno is due to high estrogen/hormonal imbalance. Otherwise, you could deal with it with a proper diet, working out, resting, drinking enough water, and so on.
In the end, is here to help you out. We can help provide steroids that reduce body fat, shred excess fat, improve muscle growth, and provide compounds that are the best out there for reducing gynecomastia. We provide the best quality steroids and the best quality ancillaries on the market that help you lower estrogen and deal with man boobs. Moreover, Supps For Life can help you determine the best ways to use compounds for the best possible results in the fastest possible ways.
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