Cytomel (T3) is a popular compound in the world of bodybuilding despite it not being an anabolic steroid. Nor is it a SARM or any other category of substances that bodybuilders or athletes commonly use to achieve their physique and performance enhancement goals. Cytomel is the brand name of the active substance Liothyronine Sodium. Liothyronine is a synthetic form of thyroid hormone that is popular as T3 (triiodothyronine) which our bodies naturally produce. So, Liothyronine Sodium is also popular as T3, it’s just the synthetic form of it (made in a laboratory) that is very similar to the T3 made in the body naturally. Cytomel is the brand name, however, there are numerous other brand names available other than just Cytomel.
So, the synthetic T3 version (liothyronine) is extremely structurally similar to the original triiodothyronine hormone, however, it is not exactly the same. There are some very small variations of the chemical structure that results in Cytomel T3 having a somewhat higher rate of oral absorption and an overall higher potency.
What is Cytomel T3? | Uses in Medical Settings
Cytomel (T3) as said, is a medication synthetic version of the thyroid hormone. Doctors use it in medical settings as a prescription drug that helps treat the common health issues of hypothyroidism. That’s a condition when the thyroid gland is not able to produce enough thyroid hormones for the proper functioning of the body. When the body does not get enough thyroid hormones, it leads to various negative symptoms and that condition is called hypothyroidism. The main negative symptoms are associated with the metabolism of the person. That’s because the thyroid hormones are largely controlling the metabolism. Therefore, hypothyroidism leads to a slow metabolism and as you may know, it results in weight gain, fatigue, and many other health issues.
Considering that a fast metabolism is helpful in losing weight and Cytomel T3 is helpful at boosting thyroid hormones, which therefore boosts metabolism, it is no wonder that this compound is appealing to athletes and bodybuilders. Of course, most of all, they are searching to boost the metabolism rate with the help of Liothyronine Sodium and accelerate fat loss. But it’s important to understand that Cytomel T3 is going to be beneficial for losing fat and weight loss when using it with a diet that is having reduced calories and in combination with a proper exercise regime.
If you attempt to use Cytomel T3 for weight loss, it’s important to understand that it is not a miracle compound. It is just an aid to potentially optimize the functioning of the metabolism which therefore can help lose weight faster and easier.
Please beware that Liothyronine is found in the list of banned substances in professional sports.
T3 vs T4
A similar thyroid hormone of T3 (Liothyronine) is T4 (Levothyroxine). Studies suggest that a good part of T4 is converted into T3. Nevertheless, T3 is a more powerful thyroid hormone than T4. For this reason, T4 is a more preferred version in medical conditions for treating hypothyroidism. But T3 is a more favorite version among those who are searching for its fat loss benefits.
- PS: T3 is available both in injection and tablet form. But I don’t really recommend injections as they hold no advantages over tablets that are so much easier to use.
Cytomel T3 Benefits
It’s important to understand that Cytomel T3 (Liothyronine Sodium) can be highly effective at burning fat and losing weight, nevertheless, it lacks performance enhancement effects. That’s why it is a drug that is not really appealing to those athletes who are searching to solely improve performance. While it can help boost energy, for example, that’s not a real performance enhancer and not really worth it. Instead, as you can guess, Cytomel T3 can have a lot of cosmetic benefits. Reducing body fat is going to lead to a more physically appealing body image.
As you can expect, the main benefits of Cytomel T3 are related to its relationship with metabolism. As a thyroid hormone, it enhances and regulates the metabolism which helps lose weight and fat faster and easier. It is an especially helpful compound for a person who has a slow metabolism and/or suffers from hypothyroidism. Such a person can have great difficulty in losing weight. Depending on the severity of the condition, such people could find themselves putting on weight and fat without explanation.
Cytomel T3 Weight Loss and Fat Burning
So, the main reason why someone would choose to use this drug for physique and performance enhancement is to help them lose weight and burn fat. That’s pretty much the only benefit and reason I would recommend someone to attempt using T3 for physique and performance enhancement goals. The other reason is if you’re suffering from hypothyroidism.
This is certainly the main and pretty much the only benefit of interest to those who use Cytomel T3. And as said, it’s actually performance enhancement, but physique improvement. Only to burn fat and lose weight. The only other purpose is to treat hypothyroidism, which therefore helps lose fat.
- It does so by replicating the natural T3 hormone and enhancing the metabolism rate. However, it’s important to understand that this is not going to directly lead to any noticeable weight loss. You need to diet right and have a proper exercise regimen in order to take advantage of a more efficient metabolism.
Your body is just going to be in the position of being able to burn more fat, burn it faster and easier. But not eating right wouldn’t lead to fat loss. Again, Cytomel T3 is not a magical weight loss drug that makes you burn fat magically. Yet, it’s still effective, so, if you’re in a calorie deficit and working out, the fat burning and weight loss will be noticeably quicker and more significant compared to the same schedule without Cytomel T3.
Remember that T3 will work in different ways than other fat loss and weight loss compounds such as Clenbuterol or anabolic steroids. That’s why professionals choose to add Liothyronine to their cycles to take their results to a whole new level.
T3 and Muscles
It’s also very important to understand that it comes with great benefits to burn fat, but it has no anabolic activity. This means that you are not going to gain any lean muscle tissues. In fact, while supplementing with Cytomel you’re actually putting your lean muscle tissues at risk to lose them. That’s because, with a higher metabolic rate, the body will need more energy to function. It doesn’t have a preference for where to take its energy demands from, it could be fat but it could be muscles too. That’s why some people using Cytomel T3 report loss of muscle too.
There’s no doubt that this is a huge problem for bodybuilders and athletes who don’t want to lose muscle tissue. That’s why using Cytomel T3 can actually be detrimental to your performance and strength. Nevertheless, bodybuilders using Liothyronine Sodium will usually add an anabolic steroid which is going to help retain muscles.
Cytomel T3 Dosage
A lot of performance enhancing drugs should be administered in higher doses than they are usually prescribed for treating medical conditions. For this reason, there are a lot of people who make the mistake of thinking that you need to use a substantially higher dosage of Cytomel T3 than the standard dosage for treating hypothyroidism in order to make it effective for physique improvement. That’s a mistake because the dosage of T3 Liothyronine Sodium is pretty much the same both for treating hypothyroidism and for fat loss.
The medical dosage that doctors usually recommend is about 25 mcg/day a day. That’s the standard dosage for medical conditions, but whoever searches to boost their thyroid levels, enhance metabolism and speed up fat loss will still benefit from that dosage. Although people tend to increase dosage for an even higher boost.
Dosage For Fat Loss
So, you can use Cytomel either for medical purposes or for fat loss (physique improvement) starting with a dosage of 25 mcg per day. There are two standard administration schedules for outside medical uses. That’s either to gradually increase and then gradually decrease throughout or to remain at a steady dosage through the entire cycle. In both situations, the Cytomel cycle length is between 6 and 12 weeks. I recommend starting with a shorter cycle and lower dosage until you get a feeling of how this drug works for you.
A dosage of 50 mcg to 75 mcg a day is not uncommon, but it is more than sufficient for the vast majority of users. Some advanced users may consider increasing to 100 mcg a day. But remember that the more you increase, the more the risk of more serious side effects and the more risks of losing muscles. Do not underestimate any dosage higher than 25 mcg a day, especially so huge as 100 mcg a day. Usually, only professional bodybuilders run such high doses with lots of previous experience and in combination with steroids to avoid muscle loss.
Female T3 Dosage
Usually, females require lower doses than men for most PEDs out there. But that’s also not the case with Cytomel. Women can safely use T3 in pretty much the same dosage as men do. They also start at 25 mcg a day and also usually increase to 50 mcg or a maximum of 75 mcg a day.
The only difference between men and women when talking about the use of T3 is that women are having an overall slightly lower body mass. That’s why the dosages can be slightly lower. Most women report that 25-50 mcg/day is all they need. Rarely 75 mcg/day. Most men report that 25-50 mcg/day is sufficient, 75 mcg/day being quite a lot while 100 mcg/day is maximum.
- PS: Cytomel is not anabolic. It will cause no virilization issues. The side effects are exactly the same for both men and women too.
Cytomel T3 Administration and Cycle
I do not recommend users run Liothyronine Sodium for any longer than 10 weeks. While some use it for as long as 12 weeks, usually, the last few weeks are only there for gradually decreasing the dosage. Most users will find that 6-8 weeks is enough to provide great results. The longer you use it, the greater the risks of issues. Except for greater risks of side effects (serious side effects) and losing muscle, it’s important to understand that the longer you use it, the more chances that your thyroid is going to become dependent on the external source of hormones. Therefore, you risk requiring the administration of T3 for the rest of your life in order to remain healthy (to have proper amounts of thyroid hormones).
That’s why I recommend shorter cycles which are safer. That’s why there’s a gradual increase and then a gradual decrease in dosage methods. Lowering the dosage for the last week your thyroid gland has time to adjust. This way, you can avoid suffering from hypothyroidism after stopping the use of Cytomel. It’s similar to the way anabolic steroids suppress natural testosterone production. But steroids can’t be gradually stopped so the production restarts. You can use this method with Cytomel T3 though. The ideal dosage for the final week is about 25 mcg/day. Some even drop to 12.5 mcg a day.
- You always need to take the dosage at a similar time of the day, each day, every single day, once a day. This way you’re maintaining optimal levels in the blood of this thyroid hormone.
- As said, T3 (Liothyronine Sodium) comes as an injection or in the form of tablets. Needless to mention that the vast majority choose tablets as injections have no advantages.
Cytomel T3 Cycle
One of the most common protocols for using Cytomel is to start at a lower dosage, especially if you’re a first time user (I highly recommend starting at a lower dosage for beginners, actually), and then increase it as the cycle progresses. I recommend increasing only after having a feeling of how a certain dosage works and you’re sure you can tolerate a higher dosage. Toward the end of the cycle, you decrease the dosage back down.
This way, you can keep a log of your reaction to T3 and avoid the side effects. And as said, by decreasing the dosage toward the end, the body adjusts back to normal (natural) thyroid hormone functions without this drug. While some people can tolerate a sudden stop even after using a higher dose for the entire duration, not everyone would find it suitable.
Most people (both men and women) can use it alone or can stack it with whatever other compounds they wish. But of course, I recommend stacking only after having an idea of how this specific compound works for you and your reaction to it. Steroid users usually add it in order to fight off the potential muscle loss effects. Especially when higher dosages are involved such as 50 mcg/day or even more.
Only advanced users should combine Cytomel T3 with other drugs and only advanced users can attempt a steady dosage throughout the entire 6-8 (or maximum 10) weeks cycle with an abrupt stop. Beginners are safer to attempt the use of it alone and a gradual pyramid increase and decrease.
Pyramid Method
The pyramid strategy I would recommend to most people (especially beginners) is:
- Start the first 2 weeks with 25 mg a day.
- From week 3 up to week 7, you increase to 37.5-75 mcg a day in 12.5-25 mcg increments. Do not increase more often than once every 1-2 weeks.
- In the last 2 weeks decrease back the dosage down to 25 mcg a day then stop.
Cytomel T3 Side Effects
As with any other compound out there, Liothyronine Sodium (T3) is likely to cause side effects. And as with any other compound, the higher the dosage and/or the longer the cycle length – the more increase of any side effects and the higher risks of more serious side effects.
In a moderate dosage, Cytomel is considered a relatively safe drug. By using it correctly, you may avoid the side effects, but abusing it will most likely lead to side effects that can become dangerous. Moreover, do not forget that this is a hormone that it leads to different effects on each individual.
The most common side effects include those that are related to hyperthyroidism. Using T3 will lead to an increase in thyroid hormones. Having too many thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism) usually leads to the following common yet non serious side effects:
- Headaches
- Less tolerance to heat
- Changes in bowel function
- Changes in heartbeat
- Increased sweating
- Anxiety
- Difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
- Changes in menstruation
Some people also report lethargy, weakness, and fatigue. This is not very common and usually appears in those who use this compound for too long without a break. Think of it as something like “the body worked hard for way too long and now got tired”.
Some of these non serious side effects are nothing to worry about and they can usually go on their own as the body gets accustomed to its effects. Nevertheless, if you get actual hyperthyroidism issues (similar side effects but they are very serious), chest pain, heart issues, hypertension, or others – you should stop its use.
Do not ever exceed the dosage of 100-125 mcg a day. And even if you do take such doses, I recommend doing so for only very short periods. It’s best to avoid such doses altogether.
Other Issues
Except for these side effects, do not forget what I earlier mentioned – Cytomel T3 may increase metabolism to the level where it may take its energy demands from muscle tissues. This could reduce muscle performance too. Of course, that’s a huge problem for athletes and bodybuilders.
Also, do not forget about the thyroid gland becoming addicted to T3. If using this compound for way too long, you risk damaging your gland permanently so it won’t be able to produce normal amounts of hormones anymore. For this reason, many people choose to stop gradually, rather than abruptly stop using it.
Remember that Cytomel T3 is a compound that helps treat hypothyroidism. Using T3 will lead more to hyperthyroidism. Stopping abruptly will lead more to hypothyroidism.
There’s a debate on how high the risk is when it comes to the body becoming dependent on the external source of T3 (slowed or reduced the natural production of thyroid hormone). There are no actual studies proving that it may, but all the studies were based only on its medical use on people with hypothyroidism. Healthy individuals are going to find that the thyroid gland will continue to function normally after they stop using Liothyronine. But you shouldn’t abuse it with dosage or prolonged use.
In the end, Cytomel T3 is used to treat hypothyroidism but athletes and bodybuilders use it to promote fat loss by having an additional source of the thyroid hormone which stimulates their metabolism. These are pretty much the only purposes of using Cytomel T3 (Liothyronine Sodium). Users report they start seeing benefits within just a few days, but others suggest that it can take weeks until it works. It highly depends on each individual. The side effects are also individual. It depends mainly on the dosage and cycle length, but response also comes into play. It can range from nothing, to mild to very serious where people use it in high doses. Side effects are similar to hyperthyroidism symptoms.
It greatly helps you lose weight and burn fat in other ways than all other fat loss compounds do so it can be very efficient. But you should use it carefully. After all, it provides a direct source of thyroid hormone. This can be beneficial, but it can cause side effects. Remember that it does not directly cause weight loss. It boosts the thyroid hormone levels and the metabolism starts working faster. This is what leads to more energy and more fat loss.
But you can experience great results only when having a correct diet controlling calories and regularly exercising. It’s not going to work on its own in a magical way. Plus, you have to be careful with its muscle loss effects and to correctly stop using it too.
Buy Cytomel T3 For Sale
Buy Liothyronine Sodium for sale directly from We have a lot of compounds that can help you achieve your physique and performance enhancement goals much faster and much easier. All of them are of the best possible prices and for the best possible quality. That’s why you can buy Cytomel T3 for sale from our site and be sure that it is going to work the exact way that it should.
That’s very important considering that the market is flooded with fake and bunk compounds that are not only less effective but are also more likely to cause side effects. An effective and safe cycle is going to be great only as long as you use a high quality product. You could find it very easily, for very low prices at
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