Having a huge and broad back isn’t anything easy to achieve, but with the best back exercises you can find here, you will definitely get there. A broad back offering that wide V-shape looks extremely good on any man. However, ask anyone with the V-shape and broad back and you will find out that there’s a lot of hard work.
Nonetheless, if you’re not going to do it right, there’s nothing that will help. While dieting is extremely important because eating the right type of food will help you pack on size and strength, the correct back exercises will help you gain that broad back. Ensure you do them right, with the right technique and correct form. You may need a trainer to help with that. But if you struggle to find new back exercises that will help achieve your goals, this is the right place. Read this article and follow the advice here to ensure that you’re gaining the back muscle you’ve always dreamed of.
We’re going to share some of the best back exercises according to a number of different factors. These factors include ease of learning and performance, total muscle stimulation and intensity, their go-to status with seasoned lifters, as well as the availability of machines/equipment in most gyms. So, check the best back exercises for men below.
The classic pull up
An overhead pulling movement, for example – the classic pull up, is easily by far one of the best back workouts you can use for a broad back. Various different variations will provide different advantages, as they work different muscles. From wide-grip to close-grip chins as well as neutral-grip pull ups for an even greater stretch – they are all working slightly different muscles, offering slight differences. Besides grip differences, there are also assisted versions or weighted versions, depending on your goal and level of experience. For example, assisted variations are awesome back muscle building exercises. They will help increase the rep range, which can help increase muscle growth. Weighted versions are perfect for those who want to increase strength.
Here are some pull up variations that will grow your back muscles:
- Pull ups on gymnastic rings
- Neutral grip pull ups (palms facing inward)
- Wide grip pull ups (overhand grip)
- Chin ups (underhand grip)
- Spotter assisted pull ups
- Machine assisted pull ups
- Band assisted pull ups
- Weighted pull ups or chins
Bent over row
I guess everyone knows that bent over row is one of the best, and therefore, one of the most popular back exercises out there. Bent over row has to be in every back workout as it will make sure you grow huge back muscle and strength. A well-rounded back exercise, this move is the key to building the upper back, lower back, lats, traps, spinal erectors, and so on. In short, the entire back muscles. I would recommend doing heavy bent over rows toward the start of your back workout in lower rep ranges until you still have fuel in your tank. It will save your lower back health and ensure you grow huge muscles. Go for rep ranges of anywhere between 6 to 10 reps with heavier weight.
Again, there are different bent over row variations that will ensure you grow your back muscles:
- Bent over dumbbell or kettlebell rows
- Overhand grip bent over rows
- Underhand grip bent over rows
- Pendlay rows (that’s when each rep starts from the floor)
While a lot of people think of deadlifting as an exercise for your legs (that’s why it is mostly done on leg day), deadlifts and especially many of its variations are some of the best back exercises out there. Deadlifts go beyond the label of being a back exercise or leg exercise. With the correct deadlift, you will hit the entire posterior chain, from your calves to your upper traps, and also your butt! Lots of professionals focus their back days around deadlifts! As soon as you nail your form and technique, you can also go for some heavy weights and low reps, which will build even more strength, which later builds even more muscle! There are various deadlift variations, but you should focus on those that work your back muscles, rather than your legs. Go for heavy (6 reps) weights when you’re fresh at the start of a workout.
Here are some deadlift variations that will help work your back which you must add to your back workouts:
- Barbell deadlift (from the floor)
- Romanian deadlift (with barbell or dumbbells)
- Trap bar deadlift
- Snatch-grip deadlift (from the floor or elevated pins)
- Barbell rack pull
Seated row
Unlike lots of free-weight variations around, there’s the classic seated row that will maintain constant tension throughout every single inch of the movement. There are a lot of different handle grips available at most gyms. You could use them to add various variations to this back exercise. Having this said, it is best performed toward the end of your workout, when you go in higher rep here as it is not a free-weight variation. You could go for a weight that allows you to go for 10 to 15 reps.
Check below some of the key row variations to add to your back workouts:
- Machine seated row
- High cable standing row
- Plate-loaded high row
- Cable row (narrow, wide, medium, neutral, underhand, overhand grip)
- Signal arm cable row (seated, kneeling, half-kneeling)
T-bar row
It may seem like this is yet another bent over row back exercise, however, it is not. The T-bar row actually has some really huge differences. For example, you can stack way more weight on it. This obviously comes with different results. Besides, you have a choice of hand positions and width. For example, the wide grip will put lots of emphasis on the lats. However, the neutral grip will target the middle back better (such as the traps, teres, and rhomboids).
So, check below some different T-bar row variations that you could add to your best back exercises list:
- Landmine row holding a wide T-handle (overhand grip)
- Landmine row holding the bar
- Lying T-bar row
- T-bar row
Lat pull-down
When it comes to lat pull-down, the first thing most people think of is to grab the wide-grip bar. This is what you would actually find on the machine anyway. Yet, a close neutral grip will activate the lats similarly to a regular grip. This is the grip that will also allow for a longer range of motion and will increase time under tension for the lats. Needless to mention this higher range of motion and increased time under tension will build awesome back muscles. It is extremely important to remember that you should keep the tempo very slow and controlled during lat pull down. You must squeeze hard at the bottom of each rep and offer a good stretch at the top of the move. Ensure you do it with proper form because lots of people make a lot of mistakes.
Here are some of the lat pull-down variations for ultimate back gains:
- Rope handle pull-down
- Single-arm pull-down
- Half-kneeling or full-kneeling pull-down
- Overhand-grip pull-down (narrow, medium, wide)
- Neutral-grip pull-down (narrow, medium, wide)
- Underhand-grip pull-down (narrow, medium, wide)
Single-arm Smith machine row
There are guys who may consider the Smith machine a no-go, especially when it comes to back gains. Not only the smith is an awesome machine, but it can provide great back gains too. Its advantage is the fixed plane of the movement which allows you to pull some really heavy loads with a lot of stability. This makes it a very humbling exercise. You may consider it as a cross between a dumbbell row and a machine row, using the benefits of both for maximum gains. Of course, you can only use the Smith machine with a single arm for back gains. Yet, there are still various variations.
Here are the Smith machine variations that you can add to your back workouts:
- Smith machine bent-over row
- Smith machine bodyweight inverted row
- Single-arm Smith machine row (sideways to machine)
Single-arm dumbbell row
This is one of the most popular exercises for back gains. It is an absolute classic when talking about back exercises. Its free weight allows you to control the movement, yet you can move a lot of weight, especially if you use straps or if you have a strong grip. Besides, you can get a greater range of motion when you are training unilaterally. If you’re worried about your lower back or having any issues, you can support your lower back by placing one hand on a bench. Usually, you do this back exercise in the middle or end of your workout for 3-4 sets in 8 to 12 reps or higher on each hand. Sometimes you can even start with it if you want to go for heavy weights and lower reps.
You should consider adding these single-arm variations to your back workouts:
- Barbell row (landmine to the rear)
- Row with one hand on a bench
- Row with one hand and one leg on a bench
- “Meadows row” (landmine to the side)
- Arc row, reaching forward at the front of each rep
Dumbbell pull-over
The dumbbell pull-over is a single joint move that will allow you to really target and fire up those lats, leading to huge growth. Especially if you will be strategic about your variations. I recommend trying to perform this move on a decline, as you’re putting your lats under tension for a longer range of motion than when you use a flat bench.
There are various dumbbell pull-over variations that can grow your back muscles, I recommend opting for these:
- Straight-arm pull-down
- Decline bench pull-over (dumbbell, barbell, weight plate)
- Flat bench pull-over (dumbbell, barbell, weight plate)
- Cable pull-over
Chest-supported row
While each of these back exercises significantly varies, unlike the T-bar rows or bent over rows, the chest-supported row will not hurt your lower back, especially if you have some lower back pains. That’s why the chest-supported row will allow you to go heavy for huge back gains, even if you have lower back pains. Additionally, the bench will also enforce strict technique, that’s why you will need to keep a good form.
There are two different variations for the chest-supported row, they include:
- Incline bench chest-supported row (dumbbell, kettlebell, cable)
- Seal row (barbell row on an elevated flat or incline bench)
How To Grow Muscles With These Best Back Exercises?
It is extremely important to regularly work your back muscles from all angles to ensure huge back muscle gains. Perform all these back exercises in different variations. Go for 3-4 sets of each exercise, 6 to 15 reps, depending on your fitness level, goal, and type of exercise. Have anywhere between one to two minutes rest in between sets. Also, leave at least 48 hours of rest in between back workouts, to give your muscles the chance to recover and grow bigger. Ensure proper form and correct technique. Also, don’t forget that you will need to work your entire body to achieve your dream physique and performance.
Grow Huge Back Muscles With Supps For Life
These best back exercises will surely set your back muscles on fire, ensuring you grow them big and strong. Yet, you must have a proper diet, sleep schedule, and lifestyle to achieve the desired results. However, when you’re doing everything right in terms of lifestyle, diet, and workouts with these best back exercises, you can support your goals for a huge back with the help of Supps For Life.
At Supps-For-Life.to you can find the best quality anabolic steroids for the best prices that will help you pack on muscle, get lean, burn excess fat, and recover much faster, enhancing your performance in the gym. This way, you will smash your back muscle goals much faster and easier!
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